Advantages Of Installing The Point of Entry Filtration System

Advantages Of Installing The Point of Entry Filtration System

Water is the most essential mineral resource for our living. We use it daily and hence it is very important to have the right water filtration system. In general, the water filtration systems are deployed to improve the quality of water that’s supplied to your home. PoE is the most commonly used filtration system that filters the water of your whole house. This filtration system is best if the water that is streaming to your home is tainted or discolored. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of installing a Point of Entry Filtration system.


Point-of-Entry Filtration Systems


The filtration systems that improve the quality of water at only one appliance are known as Point of Use filtration systems. On the other hand, the filtration system that filters the water of the entire home is known as the Point of Entry system. The benefit of POE filtration is that it improves the quality of water in your entire home from drinking purpose to other household use. A Point of Entry system eliminates harmful bacteria, particulates, chlorine and other impurities from water making it clean and clear. It also removes the taste and odor of water.


Below are the main advantages of Point of Entry Filtration Systems :


Purifies Drinking Water


The main aim of installing a Point of Entry Filtration system is providing your family a fresh, clean and clear water from each and every tap of your home.


Removes Chalky Depositsin hard water regions, the local water is rich is magnesium and calcium ions that result in white residue on the faucets, shower curtain, sinks and even flooring of wet areas. Over time, the residue builds up in think and hard layers inside the water pipes which reduces the water flow and also result in blockage. A POE filtration system softens the water and remove magnesium and calcium ions from it.


Remove Manganese And Iron Deposits


Local water contains Iron and manganese deposits which stains the bathtubs, sinks, toilets and water appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers. These deposits even leave the stains on clothes when washed in machines. Usually, the stains are red, yellow, black, orange and brown in color. Not just that, water that is rich in iron and manganese harbors harmful bacteria. A Point of Entry Filtration system is very helpful in such cases. It eliminates the iron and manganese content from the water and prevent the problems caused by it.


Removes Harmful Bacteria and Viruses


Contaminated water is the major reason behind illness and certain health problems. Not just by drinking, using the contaminated water for cooking, brushing, washing face, showering can cause many infections as it contains many harmful viruses and bacteria. A whole house water system is highly effective in treating the water and making it free from contaminants.

By installing it at your home, you and your family will have access to clean and safe water every day.


So, these are the main benefits of installing a POE filtration system at your home. Call your local plumber and get the right water filtration system installed at your home.


Nephros Inc. Also Offers Following Services :

Legionella Point Of Use Shower

Hemodiafiltration Machine

Dialysis Quality Water

Contact US:

Nephros Inc.

Address: 380 Lackawanna Pl, South Orange, NJ
Phone:  (201) 343-5202